01 July 2011

dinner tonight:

sweet potato fries (Paula Deen)
corn on the cob roasted in the oven
summer rolls with peanut dipping sauce
cheese platter with 4 different cheese including Saint Angel and grapes

I started making my roue for the mac and cheese, which side note, I shall never make a recipe for the first time 30 minutes before guests are slated to arrive, and realize I had no idea what I was doing. I was only supposed to cook the flour for a minute, but I must have been stirring it for several minutes, lost in conversation with my friend Laura. But I spurred on, and added the milk (hot, how was I supposed to know if it was hot?!). Quickly I realized two things : shit, I had added the milk way too fast because there were clumps everywhere, and yup, when the recipe called for a high-sided skillet, there was a reason for that. So having wasted precious minutes, 5 and 1/2 cups of milk and made a huge mess on my stove, I threw the entire mixture into my sink, ran upstairs to change out of my pjs, grabbed 5 dollars and ran to the corner market. I usually don't buy regular milk, but I can't believe a gallon of milk is FOUR DOLLARS. Anyway, back to my kitchen I went, with a gallon of whole milk. And this time, I made it right, but not without having the entire milk/roue mixture bubble over and spill over AGAIN onto my stove. All I can say is thank goodness my roommate is out of town this weekend. The kitchen is as clean as it's going to be for now, but more importantly the mac and cheese was delicious--Panko is so good!